Tuesday, October 11, 2011

learning from the past.

I spent some of this evening reading through my journal from my freshman year of college.  I do this periodically to gain perspective on my life and how I've changed over the years.  I hardly even remember the person who wrote what I was reading today. 
The first conclusion I drew was that she was so self righteous.  She had big dreams of changing the world, and she was confident in her beliefs and her God.  She was excited about serving God with her whole life and loved to talk about him.  She gave up an important friendship because she felt like she was condoning his selfish, sinful behavior.  She spent all summer studying the end times and Revelation and reading the Left Behind series, and was so intrigued.  She lived in a world of black and white.
Now, I am surprised by how skeptical and cynical I have become.
I think, since then, I have experienced reality, and reality is hard.  And now I have the choice of either living in the bitterness of reality or finding a joy that makes living in reality worth it.

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