Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I need to go play in the leaves.

"O God, our Father, we know that by ourselves we can do nothing. If we try to face our work by ourselves, we collapse beneath our burdens and our responsibilities. Our bodies become exhausted; our minds grow weary; our nerves are tensed beneath the strain.

If we try to face our temptations by ourselves, the fascination of the wrong things is too strong. Our resistance is defeated, and we do the things we know we should never do, because we cannot help it.

If we try to face our sorrows by ourselves, there is nothing to heal the wound upon our hearts, nothing to dry the fountain of our tears, nothing to comfort the loneliness which is more than we can bear.

If we try to face our problems by ourselves, we cannot see the right way; and, even when we see it, we cannot take it; and even when we take it, we cannot follow it to the end.

If we try to rid ourselves of faults by ourselves, we are forever defeated; the same sins conquer us; and we are never any farther on."

There is more to this prayer written by H. Norman Wright, but I just really like this part. I feel like it fits where my heart is and has been lately, and it's nice to be supplied the words that I couldn't find on my own. 

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