Wednesday, January 11, 2012


New semesters always mean that you have to talk about your future (career) goals.  I tend to avoid thinking about the future because it's scary.  However, tonight I have let myself wonder what I would enjoy doing for a while. 
Lately I have been throwing around the idea of working at a soup kitchen. And I realized after writing some things about myself for a teacher, that I really enjoy food.  And then I wondered how great it would be to teach people about nutrition and be able to provide them with healthy food and the knowledge of its importance and how to prepare it. 
But then I stop my thinking and wonder what kind of schooling that would require, if I would actually enjoy it, and if I could even find/start a program to do that. 
And then I want to just forget about it and settle with doing something like working in a food bank, which I probably wouldn't enjoy at all.
Why is it so hard to let myself dream? To believe that I have power and influence and can make the world better for the people around me?

It's a scary thing, to dream.  What if you fail?

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