Monday, November 21, 2011

is it break yet?

So... I haven't been a good student lately.  I've lost all incentive to get homework in on time... or at all.  And that's pretty unlike me.  I've always been pretty apathetic about schoolwork, but I've always gotten it done on time.  But lately I've just lost energy and sense of consequences about doing homework.

I'm pretty sure I just need a break. Some time to just sit and exist.  Time to journal and figure life out.  Time to do refreshing things like spend time with friends and my family and laughing. 

I think my heart has been aching for this for a while, which is why I've been filling my free time with people and then being overwhelmed by school because I didn't make time for homework.  It's hard to take care of yourself and balance life's requirements.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! I have a big problem with that, too. When I take time to relax/just hang out with people I get guilty about all the other things I think I should be doing. Though I'm glad that even during the busiest time of my life I chose to stop for a weekend and visit and chat with friends. :) Hope your break is restful and restorative.
